Our CSR Commitments


Born of a vision shared by its founders in 2007, LuxCarta's ambition is to become a key player in the global geospatial industry.
Our aim has always been to provide our markets with products and services derived
from innovative production and distribution processes, in order to guarantee
sustainable business and commercial relationships. Thanks to several years of growth, LuxCarta has become a cosmopolitan group with a presence on several continents.

Our DNA is based on innovation, agility, respect for our customers and employees, and our commitment to our partners and our global environment.
Staying one step ahead in our market also means integrating a solid and real Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach.
It is with this in mind that we are embarking on this wonderful adventure alongside our partner Bee Curious, a sustainable and responsible strategy consultancy.
We are integrating this approach in a collective and collaborative way, engaging and federating our stakeholders around a more respectful social and environmental project, in full coherence with our ecosystem.
We place CSR at the heart of our global strategy, with the aim of achieving ever greater transparency and continuous improvement.
We hope to offer everyone the chance to achieve their full potential within a structure that best meets these fundamental expectations.
Albéric Maumy, CEO 
LuxCarta Goal

Our 7 pillars


Over the past year, LuxCarta has focused on identifying the main impacts of its operations and improving its practices based on ISO 26000 standards. With the help of a sustainability consultancy, the company developed a strategy centered around social, environmental, and economic pillars. Their collaborative approach aims to continuously enhance their professional expertise and meet the increasing demands of a fragile world.

How do you want to digitally map your world ?

We’re here to help you with more than just a map. Turn to us for qualified advice and tailored digital mapping solutions that cater specifically to your project, budget and timeline. Let’s talk …